"Always seek your dreams and ask yourself why are you doing what you do!"
The ambition of becoming a barber is strongly connected to Alexander Velios childhood memories, who is better known as Torreto. He grew up together with his grandfather in a small town in Greece where they visited frequently the local Barber Shop. As you can imagine he was confronted quite early with gentleman mentality. Having respect towards older people, greeting men with a proper handshake and just talking about live impressed him. He started to look up to the Barbers as kind of heroes as their where untouchable in their shops, built strong relationships with their customers and broke the common rules of society. As soon as you stepped in the Shop it was not important anymore where you were working at or how much money you earn, it was important who you were, how you treated people and show respect for each other. The culture of real Barbers led to his dream of becoming one of them.
After spending his childhood in Greece, his family decided to continue living in Germany. Arriving in Germany Alex noticed very early that he was not suited for the school system. He began an apprenticeship as an electrical engineer, but he broke off. After further failed attempts to build a strong foothold in Germany, he decided to fly back to Greece and join the Greek army. It was a tradition for newcomers to be chosen to cut their mates' hair. He seized the opportunity and volunteered for the service, thus inflaming his childhood dreams into a new life.
During this phase he experienced how much recognition a simple haircut can reap, as even his superiors occasionally stopped by to miss a fresh haircut. After successful service, he left the army and began his dream of opening his own barbershop.
With his first shop in Frankfurt Bockenheim he reached in the shortest time what many would have thought impossible. He has revived the barber's forgotten craft and, moreover, paved the way for his crew - better to say family. To this day, the Torreto Barbershop is the main focus of the German Barber scene and continue to write the capital of German barber culture!